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发布日期:2021-11-19    作者:公共卫生学院     来源: 成都医学院公共卫生系    点击:


1. 主持或参加科研项目情况:



3)成都市科技局科技创新项目,2019-YF05-00104-SNNPs聚集诱导发光增强靶向检测肝癌microRNA 的电致发光传感器研究,2020/04-2021/04,在研,主持。


2. 代表性著作:

(1) Bin Wang, Guangjie Wang, Jing Li, Xinling Liu, Nan Ni, Huilan Su, Mei Chen, and Li Mao*, Hexagon AgNCs/PVP Crystallization Induced Cathode Electrochemiluminescence Enhancement for miRNA221 Biosensing. Small, 2023, 19(10): 2205607. (SCI 1区,IF=13.3)

(2) Fei Zhang, Li Yong, Xia Hua, Fan You, Bin Wang, Yu-Liang Feng, Li Mao*. Noble-metal nanoparticle labelling multiplex miRNAs by ICP-MS readout with internal standard isotopes of 115In and 209Bi. Analyst, 2021, 146, 2074-2082. (SCI 1区,IF=4.606)

(3) Li Mao, Rongpei Li, Xin Liu, Huilan Su*, Quality control to the detection of gross alpha activity in drinking water by low-background gross alpha/beta counter, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2019, 39(7): 2166-2170.  

(4) Fei Zhang, Zhu Meiqiong, Li Mao*. Ultrasensitive immunoassay for free prostate-specific antigen based on ferrocenecarboxylate enhanced cathodic electrochemiluminescence of peroxydisulfate. Microchimica Acta, 2014, 181(11-12), 1285-1291. (SCI 2, IF=3.741)

(5) Li Mao, Yun-Qiong Gu, Yan-Cheng Liu, Zhen-Feng Chen, Hong Liang. Synthesis, crystal structure, and cytotoxicity of a copper(II) complex with matrine, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2014, 44, 43-47.

(6) Li Mao, Ruo Yuan*, Yaqin Chai, et al. Signal-enhancer molecules encapsulated liposome as a valuable sensing and amplification platform combining the aptasensor for ultrasensitive ECL immunoassay. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 26 (10), 4204-4208.  (SCI 1, IF=8.341)  

(7) Li Mao, Ruo Yuan*, Yaqin Chai, et al. Potential controlling highly-efficient catalysis of wheat-like silver particles for electrochemiluminescence immunosensor labeled by nano-Pt@Ru and multi-sites biotin/streptavidin affinity. Analyst, 2011, 136, 1450-1455.  (SCI 2, IF=4.230)  

(8) Li Mao, Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, et al. A new electrochemiluminescence immune -sensor based on Ru(bpy)32+-doped TiO2 nanoparticles labeling for ultrasensitive detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin. Sensors and Actuators B, 2010, 149 (1), 226-232.  (SCI 2, IF=3.370)  

(9) Li Mao, Ruo Yuan, Yaqin Chai, et al. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes and Ru(bpy)32+/nano-Au nano-sphere as efficient matrixes for a novel solid-state electrochemiluminescence sensor. Talanta, 2010, 80 (5), 1692-1697.  (SCI 2, IF=3.722)  

(10) 毛俐,汪广杰*,张鑫,陈坤. 氧化苦参碱及苦参碱Au()金属配合物对肿瘤细胞增殖的影响及分子机制初探,中草药201950(3)639-646.

(11) 毛俐,苏会岚,张雷,刘鑫. 饮用水中硫酸盐测定方法的比较—培养卫生检验的质量控制能力,化学教育201940(8)74-77.



